There have been lots of questions about what I’m teaching this year.
In the midst of everything going on last spring a big announcement happened during a big pandemic.
So here it is again…I am hanging up my lab coat.
I will not be teaching science.
I am leaving behind biology.
You might be thinking….What???? Science is your jam.
But there is something deeper that is my passion.
I have been hired to be the SEL teacher for all middle school students in my current school.
In case you have never seen that acronym before, it stands for Social-Emotional Learning.
Every single day all 7th and 8th graders will have a full instructional period where we focus on relationships and:
I’ve developed a year long life skills curriculum that is focused on helping kids thrive when we put the roots before the fruits!
The amount of excitement I have for this opportunity is insane.
Our students need this so much and I feel insanely blessed to be given the opportunity to do it!
When this officially got approved, we had no idea that a few weeks later Corona Virus would hit and competed disrupt the lives of kids.
This year is going to be more important for our kids than we have ever seen in history.
Currently they are disconnected from structure, normalcy, relationships.
The fact that they will have dedicated time daily to help create a foundation again is truly invaluable.
Just wanted to give you some positive breaking news and also give you hope that this can happen in your school too.
PS– If you want a sneak peak of some of my SEL resources you can check them out here