Teacher Reminder During Teacher Appreciation Week

Five days called “Teacher Appreciation Week” will never be able to fully express how much you are doing for kids and the impact you create in schools everyday. 

Here is a quick video reminder of that:

And because I LOVE Puns, here are some additional TAW pun ideas:

You bring JOY to teaching (attach almond joy) 

You are EXTRA amazing (attach extra gum)

You play a huge ROLL in the lives of kids (attach tootsie roll)

You BURST our brains with awesome knowledge (attach starbursts)


These tags and candies are cute, no doubt. And I appreciate them, truly!

But no amount of Pinterest tags can convey what we do.

Now go enjoy cookie plates, jeans coupons, and Swedish Fish because you are “o-fish-ally” awesome!


With so much love,

PS- If you like ideas like this you would LOVE this

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