4 Books that Teachers Should Read This Summer

During the summer I love to plow through books! Do you?

I’m not a fiction reader, however.

Getting lost in a story-line has never been my thing.

I like to read to learn. Do you?

Last summer my two favorite books were:

The Happiness Equation– A book about wanting less, doing more and therefore having everything we need to be happy.

Never Finished– A book about mental strength and winning the battle in your mind.
Maybe you like books on topics similar to mine.

Maybe you like story lines like the ones written by Nicholas Sparks.

Maybe you like books that help you in the classroom.
If you love getting lost in a teacher book, I’ve got your back!

Here is a list of reads that will make you SO ready to have an awesome year come August!


Game Changers– All about engaging ideas and motivational strategies to help you in the classroom in fun, new ways.

180 Days of Awesome– The perfect daily reminder on why education is awesome and how we can celebrate it in simple, practical ways.

The Rooted Classroom– All about outside the box, meaningful social-emotional learning  ideas that will enhance your connections with all kids

180 Days of Awesome Relationships- Literally a book of 180 tips, tricks, stories, and strategies on how to build relationships with students.

All of these books can be found at monicagenta.com/books

Whatever you decide to read (or watch) this summer, I really hope you enjoy it.

Because we totally deserve to enjoy every single second of summer!

With so much love,

PS- You can get personalized copies of all my books right here 

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