Essential Reminder to ALL Schools (Educators Often Miss This Simple Secret)


We can’t fix what we don’t understand.

So, if we aren’t 100% sure why:

Teachers are leaving

Students are misbehaving

Parents are displeased

We have to ask hard questions, get specific, and stop assuming we know the answer. 

Then take TIME to tackle the issue. 


The details matter 

Education is in a tough spot right now.

We are experiencing one of the biggest teacher shortages of all time.

We are experiencing student trauma, drama, and disrespect like never before.

We are experiencing parent revolt and lack of support that is jaw dropping.

But assumptions are being made about all of these.


Are teachers leaving due to:

Low pay?

Lack of support?

Better hours at a different job?

Burn out?

If we can’t answer that with 100% certainty we are missing an opportunity.


Are students creating drama & disrespect due to:

Learning loss?

Covid trauma?

Social media?

Lack of social-emotional awareness?

If we can’t answer that with 100% certainty we are missing an opportunity.


Are parents revolting and resisting due to:

Job stress?

The economy?

Trauma from relationships?

If we can’t answer that with 100% certainty we are missing an opportunity.


And the opportunity is a conversation!

We have to sit down with each of these groups of people and understand the situation.

Does that take time?



But teachers are out here…

Taking new jobs.


Students are sadly and tragically…

Taking their lives.


And parents are…

Taking their kids out of schools.


So it’s time to make time.


With so much love,







PS- Get support, ideas, and love for your whole school or district right here 


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