Do You Have This Essential Skill for Educators? Find Out Before the Start of the New School Year…

Want to decrease your educators stress this year?

One of the fastest way to do that is to become very self-aware.

Self aware educators and leaders don’t waste time and resources trying to be something that they aren’t


Self awareness is about:

1.) Owning your shit 

2.) Knowing when you need help

3.) Being confident when you are good 

4.) Showing others how to do the same 

This is hard, but this is essential!


Which do you struggle with the most?

Mine is FOR SURE number 2

I like being independent and trying to juggle everything, but sometimes it’s just not reasonable or realistic.

I know this about myself and I’m working on it 

Which do you need help with this school year? 


Let’s work to become more self-aware this school year!



PS- Get support, ideas, and love for the whole school year right here 


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