Hosting Raisin Reunions at Your School? Discover the Powerful REMIX to Parent-Teacher Conferences!

Parent-Teacher conferences can be a little stressful for both the parents and the teacher.

Often times they take a lot of time and effort.

Often times the parents don’t even show up!

But what if I told you there was a structure and a strategy that would change all of that?

I call it Raisin Reunions

Raisin Reunions are interactive, student-led conferences that create amazing conversations, open dialogue, and transparency while also celebrating successes of students.

Why the word raisins?

Our students live with parents, grandparents, step-parents, aunts, uncles, guardians, and more so this is about inviting anybody who is “raisin” kids to the table to talk goals, grades, and more.

I’m confident if you implement this easy plan you will have the best conferences of your career!

And I’ve made it incredibly easy to host your own Raisin Reunions by making this 

I created an entire bundle of all the resources to make your conferences simple, strategic, and super reflective.

Items Included:

Suggested Pre-Conference Timeline

E-Mail Script for Conferences

Student Reflection Document

Gift Tag- Boxes of Raisins

Suggested Conference Timeline

Bonus: Helpful Links


Cant wait for you to dive into the best conferences of your career!

With so much love,








PS- Don’t forget to save tons of time and energy by getting the Raisin Reunion Bundle 

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