Unpopular Teacher Opinion: If it can be GOOGLED then it should NOT be GRADED!

If it can be GOOGLED then it should NOT be GRADED

Agree or Disagree?

Let’s talk about it….


In 1994 I had to take a US map test multiple times because I couldn’t spell Mississippi correctly.

I also couldn’t get all those little states on the east coast figured out.

I remember my teacher saying “you are going to need to know this one day and you won’t have a map at your fingertips.”

But I do have a map at my finger tips now.

And so do kids.

It’s called a device.


The world has changed.

Technology has changed.

Learning has changed.


You know what hasn’t changed?

My ability to spell Mississippi.

But guess what, it is autocorrected when I typed it into this post so I’m golden.

Should there be a foundation of skills that kids should know and commit to memory?


Elementary school is a pivotal time for kids to learn important information! For instance, multiplication facts could be “googled” or found on a calculator, but this is a foundational skill they need to have to APPLY other math skills.

But should middle school and high school kids get an A+ for an assignment that they just googled or AI’ed every answer to?

Is the concept of kids sitting in history and science classes memorizing facts about “The War of 1812” and the definition of “Ribosomes” really the best use of classroom time today?

We need to teach kids how to:

Problem solve

Create solutions

Be innovative

Increase communication


There is a BIG difference between performance and regurgitation


I just googled the US map.

I then googled the distance from 2 different airports to a destination I have a keynote at this winter

I then researched the cost of flying from both airports

There was a $325 difference between the flights

I booked the cheaper flight and saved hundreds of dollars.

I NEVER learned that in school in a geography or economics class.


So in summary.

Google and AI is a tool.

Let’s help our kids use tools.

These tools can be applied to all content.

And then grade them based off that use and their personal application.


With a love of life skills,








PS- Get support, ideas, and love for your whole school or district right here 


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