Beanboozeled: The Ultimate Way to Bring People Together
‘Tis the season for school morale to decrease. Most educators would describe this time as crazy and chaotic. Maybe it’s because of the weather. Maybe it’s because of standardized tests. …
Speaker. Author. Teacher. Motivator.
‘Tis the season for school morale to decrease. Most educators would describe this time as crazy and chaotic. Maybe it’s because of the weather. Maybe it’s because of standardized tests. …
I LOVE game shows! Maybe that makes me 65 years old, but I just can’t help myself. A bucket-list item for my life was to appear on a game show. …
With the start of 3rd Quarter comes the start of a new enrichment cycle. The word enrichment or RtI often causes teachers to cringe, roll their eyes, moan, or a …
I have a confession to make… I re-gifted something FROM a student TO my students. Is that bad? …. Upon further reflection, I don’t think it’s bad. In fact, I …
Schools are created to be a tremendous learning environment. Schools teach math, science, reading, and so many other great subjects. But my favorite thing to teach is life. I LOVE …
Food brings people together. It doesn’t really matter if it is a feast or a snack, when people share conversations over food something really special happens. One of the most …
Nothing says happy holidays quite like a Ziploc bag of ketchup packets. This past week my advisory family celebrated the end of 2017 with a little white elephant gift exchange. …
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sit through a movie in a dark theater with 132 middle school students? I can explain that situation in one …
I have a huge extended family. It consists of 130 7th graders. We don’t sit around a dinning room table and eat turkey together. That kind of meal makes tummy …