Teacher friend, how do you feel about a Monday? According to research about 59% of people declare Monday is their least favorite day of the week?
Do you agree? Another important question is, do you think students agree?
The reality is, Mondays are hard.
It can be really difficult to rebound from the weekend and move from fun to focused!
But what if I told you there is totally a way to make your Mondays motivated and build momentum for the whole week?
What if you could change your Monday mindset from tired to totally awesome?
In this week’s episode of the This Teacher Life we explore a classroom lesson template that will be your new favorite way to connect with kids and build awesome conversations.
I am confident by the end of this idea you will be inspired to have 180 Days of Awesome and 36 weeks of Motivation Mondays!
Episode Notes:
Check out the NEWEST Version of 180 Days of Awesome SEL
Get a free PDF copy of Monica’s Book Crushing It For Kids Here:
Needing some uplifting, awesome professional development at your school? Let’s Connect:
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Instagram: instagram.com/monicagentaed/
TikTok: tiktok.com/@monicagentaed
Facebook: facebook.com/MonicaGentaEd
Twiiter: twitter.com/monicagentaed