Bringing Your Student Relationships to New Levels: Part III- Compassion
Feeling like it is time to dig a little deeper with your students? Wanting to show kids how to connect on an SEL level with their peers? In this …
Speaker. Author. Teacher. Motivator.
Feeling like it is time to dig a little deeper with your students? Wanting to show kids how to connect on an SEL level with their peers? In this …
Wanting to get your kids more engaged in your virtual classroom? Needing to get your students being more open or talk more often? Struggling to get more than 1-word answers? …
Are you looking for super fun ideas to bring your classroom relationships to the next level? Then you are in the right place. In this episode we dive into part …
Thankfulness is the theme of November, but it can be REALLY hard to feel thankful with everything going on in our world. But I promise there was 4 things that …
3 really important letters in teaching: IRA. I’m not talking about Individual Retirement Accounts here. We are diving into some awesome ideas about interactive read-alouds! You will love Juan’s …
Confession: I have been keeping something from people for the past few years. I have been dying to tell you, I just wasn’t sure when was the right time. Well, …
Education is evolving. Are you evolving with it? In this episode, Ashley Bible dishes out two quick tips on how we can re-think making education awesome, especially for our older …
Do you feel like it is nearly impossible to juggle everything going on in your teacher life right now? Creating lessons. Teaching in multiple different methods. A million E-Mails. …
Literally, literacy is important for every single teacher! If you aren’t sure how to work it into your class or you are looking for ways in enhance literacy practice, …
Oreos are stuffed with sweet frosting and this episode is stuffed with a fun and simple strategy that both you and your students are going to love. Our inboxes are …
Teachers get insanely passionate about school supplies. I mean right? That is why I have invited my friend Michelle Griffo to this episode. She is passionate about some really “cutting …
There are a lot of things that are totally over emphasized in this profession, but in this episode we are diving into 4 things that are NOT overrated. These …
Feeling stressed about how to include diversity in your classroom? Check out Megan’s awesome ideas as she dishes out how the 4-E’s can help us as create unique learning opportunities …
Teachers have about a million questions running through our heads right now. In this episode we tackle 3 that are really important during this crazy time. From juggling multiple modes …
Erducators get excited about this interview with the Gerry Brooks! In this episode we dive into what “normal” now means for education. This is an exclusive opportunity to hear Gerry …
Here we are getting ready to start another year of awesome education for students. But this year feels so stinkin’ different right? We are throwing out words like “hybrid education” …
What we hang on our walls makes a difference. What we post in our classroom impacts kids. But sometimes we get so caught up in our “decorating” that we can …
Trauma and tragedy unfortunately happen in schools all the time. How do we deal with these experiences? What do we say? What do we do? Whether we are talking about …
When your community truly has school spirit, when your town truly has the spirit of enthusiasm that says we love our kids, we love our schools, we love our students, …
Every number is a student. Every student has a story. And every story matters in a school! This exciting episode is all about how we can use stories to make …
How often do we SELF-reflect on our teaching? How often do let STUDENTS reflect on our teaching? I’m SO thankful for the moments where I take time to do both. …
What is something that we can do to consistently bring our teaching game to a new level? The answer may not be what you would expect… It is not a …
Do you feel like you are constantly grabbing your hair and saying, “HELP!” Maybe questions like these are on your mind…. What are we supposed to do when kids refuse …
A Bosco stick is a pizza breadstick that literally fell from the heavens. And although you will hear more about that in this episode. This really isn’t about Bosco Sticks. …
You know who deserves some gifts this summer? YOU! In this super fun episode we explore 5 gifts that you should totally give yourself! They won’t break the bank and …