I’m a Hot Mess, I’m a Teacher- Top Episode! Summer Replay
Hi. I’m Monica. I’m a Teacher. And I’m a hot mess sometimes. And you are a hot mess teacher sometimes too. And that’s ok! In this episode we explore what …
Speaker. Author. Teacher. Motivator.
Hi. I’m Monica. I’m a Teacher. And I’m a hot mess sometimes. And you are a hot mess teacher sometimes too. And that’s ok! In this episode we explore what …
June and July are really special months for educators. That is why I’ve created a short and sweet list to make sure these next 2 months are magical. Here …
There are memories in the messy so shake it like a salt shaker… Distance Learning is messy. Classrooms are messy. Education is messy. But we teachers embrace that mess! …
Your summer deserves to be awesome. Your August deserves to be awesome! So let’s make both happen! In this episode Monica breaks down 4 simple, but significant ideas on how …
Get ready for a whole lotta fun and singing…. yes, singing! This 2 quick tips episode features Jed Dearybury, an educator who is enthusiastic about incorporating the arts in all …
Ideas do not have to be big to be beautiful! Classroom transformation. Field Trips. Tons of Tech. These are all things that we see on social media and maybe hope …
Your jaw is going to drop and your heart is going to smile in this 2 Quick Tips episode with the amazing Nancy Chung! She is a a classroom teacher …
Resources. Reminders. Remixes. Really everything an educator needs right now is in this episode! In this relatable episode we talk about the #1 needs of kids AND teachers right now. …
In this special, extended episode Jack Berckemeyer and I dive deep into the state of education right now and what this means for the future. Whether you are a teacher …
This is not what any of us expected 4th Quarter to look like. This is not something our education leaders ever prepared us for. This is not something we took …
Hey teacher! Are you on Twitter? If you aren’t you are truly missing out. Twitter makes teaching and learning public in a really powerful way! Not sure what to do …
Real kids have real questions. Sometimes those questions involve “what are we having for lunch?” And sometimes those questions dig a little deeper and matter far beyond that moment. In …
When it comes to feedback, “sometimes we have to stop talking and start listening.” Although that is not what we think of when it comes to providing feedback to our …
Crushing It is not just a slang term our students use. It is literally the key to becoming the best possible teachers we can be! CRUSH is an acronym I …
What does beat dropping and fire dancing have to do with this episode? Everything! In this 2 quick tips episode Wilkie Law gives some awesome ideas on consistency, student voice, …
Don’t worry, I’m not dropping F bomb in this episode. I’m not even talking about that F word. Testing season is long, hard, and sometimes we even believe it is …
Let’s get physical, physical. Wait. That’s Olivia Newton John…. Let’s get political with Olivia Bertels. She is a teacher who is an advocate for making sure teachers are informed when …
Trauma and tragedy unfortunately happen in schools all the time. How do we deal with these experiences? What do we say? What do we do? Whether we are talking about …
Once upon a time there was this incredible story teller by the name of Trevor Muir. He was an awesome educator and amazing educator who impacted the world with his …
HA. HA. LOL. (Laugh Emoji) Sometimes we just have to laugh in our classroom. Laugh at the mess. Laugh at the memories. Laugh at the crazy moments. This episode is …
Do you have a trophy in your classroom? Even if you aren’t a coach you should totally have a trophy in your classroom. Don’t know how or why you need …
We hear the same thing every year, “New Year, New You!” And while there is truth to that, there are never actionable steps to take to make a new year …
You know who deserves some gifts this holiday season? YOU! In this super fun episode of This Teacher Life we explore 5 gifts that you should totally give yourself! They …
There is no I in TEAM. But there is an I in FRIENDS! Jack is my friend who is amazing at bringing teachers together to create effective teams! Check out …
How often do we SELF-reflect on our teaching? How often do let STUDENTS reflect on our teaching? I’m SO thankful for the moments where I take time to do …