4 Teachers Who Are Keeping It Real (And You Will Really Like Them Too)
Have you ever found somebody on social media and you secretly stalk them because they fill your teacher bucket? Ya… me too! Here are the 4 things I look for …
Speaker. Author. Teacher. Motivator.
Have you ever found somebody on social media and you secretly stalk them because they fill your teacher bucket? Ya… me too! Here are the 4 things I look for …
Teachers need more time. And nothing is worse than being a part of something that was a total waste of time. Am I right? Unfortunately, there is an area of …
Teacher Appreciation month happens in May, but this year, millions of teachers like us haven’t always felt appreciated. If you are looking for a reminder that you are doing an …
Learning Loss: The buzz word that has infiltrated every single staff e-mail and faculty agenda in the past few months. But the big question is this… is it even real? …
DEF. SEL. ACE. PLC. CPP. How many of those acronyms are your familiar with? Education LOVES an acornym. But the big question is, do you love a CPP? Not sure …
Teachers get fired up sometimes. And in this episode, I did. I got me going so hard that I had to rate this episode “explicit” You will find out why …
Get ready to be mind-blown! We ALL need this regardless of what age, subject area, or ability level we are teaching! What is the “this”? My friend Beth will share …
Hold on for one more day! That isn’t just a lyric from Wilson Phillips, it’s also a great teacher philosophy. But how do you do that? How do you hold …
This is crazy. This is not what I signed up for. This is hard. Have you found yourself saying these things this year or at some point in your career? …
We all want to be terrific teachers. We all strive to be exceptional educators. But sometimes it feels like we get stuck and think, “I don’t know what to do …
The importance of relationships was still “up for debate” in some schools, even a year ago. But at this point, it is so very clear that the power of building …
Does it feel like you have lost your educator energy? Do you feel deflated as a teacher? Did you actually know you are CRUSHing it! Not sure what that means? …
Am I even making an impact? Are the kids even learning anything? Are we doing enough? Yes, teacher friends. The answer is yes! And if you are questioning your value …
Get ready to tackle all of the things in this epic episode. How in the heck do we balance our online students with our in-person students? I got you. How …
If you think Oprah’s book club is cool, you haven’t seen anything yet. Reading is not just a subject, it is a life skill and an opportunity for everybody to …
Kids come to school to “learn” but that is a super generic word. What does learning even mean right now, in 2021, as we continue in a pandemic. Let’s get …
Every single teacher who walks in (or logs in) to their classroom deserves to LOVE that experience. The big question is, do you right now? If you aren’t able to …
Every single kid who walks in or logs into a classroom can love that experience. Teachers like you are always looking for ways to be game changers for students which …
Sometimes we all just need a quick pep talk, and that is exactly what is happening in this episode. Welcome to a new year, 2021! During this year I really …
Teachers are the BEST at getting creative, especially right now! We are turning trash-like circumstances into treasure-like opportunities for our kids. And in this episode Eric Crouch is going to …
There are 5 totally different, totally awesome ways to give and receive love to friends, family, and students right now. Do you know what those 5 look like and sound …
Do you understand the power in practicing mindfulness as a teacher? If you think it’s one of those “weird” things, I get it. (I used to think that too) But …
Feeling stressed? Totally overwhelmed? Wanting a raise? Needing more time? You are not alone! One of the best things we can do for our motivation and mindset right now is …
Students need our support in SO many ways right now. And sometimes that means we just need simple reminders on how we can make that happen! Check out Luke’s awesome …
Feeling like it is time to dig a little deeper with your students? Wanting to show kids how to connect on an SEL level with their peers? In this …