New Virtual Course for Teachers: 180 Days of Awesome Relationships
Teachers, do you want to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with your students and staff this school year? What if I told you that you could make a significant impact …
Speaker. Author. Teacher. Motivator.
Teachers, do you want to build stronger, more meaningful relationships with your students and staff this school year? What if I told you that you could make a significant impact …
You deserve to have the best school year of your life. I’m confident the Awesome Academy for Teachers can help make it happen! This 4-course online professional development series is …
Principals have a lot on their plates. Leading an entire school is a stressful profession. Here are just a few things principals are juggling: Improving student attendance Hiring (and firing) …
So how do we make April Awesome? We CRUSH IT Together! CRUSH is an acronym I use in my classroom. Celebrate Education Relationships First Utilize Our Strengths Share Our Stories …
Have you ever sat through school PD and thought, “This is not what I need right now!” Have you ever been at a teacher workshop and said, “These ideas are …
There is nothing worse than attending an in-service day and walking out, 2-3 hours later, feeling like it was a huge waste of time. As teachers, we deserve professional development …
You deserve to have the best school year of your life. Seriously. The past few years have been REALLY HARD. But this year doesn’t have to be! And I’m confident …
Raise you hand if you want this school year to be your best school year yet! I raised my hand, did you? We want it to be fun. We want …
Are you an energetic teacher who has a passion for continuous improvement and looking for a fun, fresh perspective? Are you a new teacher who is looking to start your …
Are you a teacher who has been in the classroom for years and feel like you are stuck in a rut? Are you a new teacher who is looking to …
100% of US Teachers Are Looking Forward to Summer Break 95% of Teachers are SO Tired Right Now 50% of Teachers are Considering Leaving the Profession Right Now So here …
Do You Need A Boost?I think we all do, right? There is no denying the fact that this year has been crazy hard! Sub shortages. More on our plates than …
Fill in the blank…. Education is __________ right now. Some of the answers I have been hearing are: HARD Stressful Time-Consuming Different (A number of fellow teachers just laughed when …
Building rooted relationships with students in our schools can be really hard. That is especially true right now! The good news is, you don’t have to do that alone. For …
Did you know…that just changing one thing in our classroom can turn this school year from average to AWESOME? Is it hard getting back into the swing of things at …
Are you an energetic teacher who has a passion for continuous improvement and looking for a fun, fresh perspective? Are you a new teacher who is looking to start your …
Sometimes we simply don’t need permission to do great things for kids! But, teachers like us seek permission for lots of things. Can I do that? Better e-mail my principal. …
Did you know…that just listening and learning with fellow passionate teachers can level up your entire school year? Is teaching now probably harder than it ever has been? Yep! Here’s …
Summer is winding down quickly and we are all looking for that boost to get us excited for the upcoming school year. If you are looking for: ideas, motivation, laughter, …
Teacher tired is totally a real thing. So, let me ask. Do you need a boost? I think we all do, right? There is no denying the fact that this …
Are you thinking about leaving teaching? Are you considering saying goodbye to education? Am I contemplating quitting this year too? In this monthly motivation episode you will find out what …
Are you an energetic teacher who has a passion for continuous improvement and looking for a fun, fresh perspective? Are you a new teacher who is looking to start your …
Did you know…that just because spring fever has hit (you and your students), doesn’t mean we can’t end the year even better than we started. Is 4th Quarter So Stinkin …