A Realistic Plan for Schools in 2023

When a new year approaches we start looking at what is working in our lives and what needs improvement.

In schools we literally call this a “School Improvement Plan”

Well, I’ve got something that is going to create some norms for students and staff!

The greatest way to create NORMALCY in your classroom in 2023 is to first create CONSISTENCIES in your school.

When everybody in your building can agree on just a few things, that positive climate and culture carries over to the classroom.


“Going Back to Normal” is something that has been said a LOT the past few years. 

But…Having things feel normal isn’t always the best.

Because sometimes normal was kinda screwed up.

Because sometimes normal needed a face lift.

Because sometimes normal wasn’t evolving with education.

But sometimes normalcy is good for the heart and the head.

Sometimes normalcy is good for the climate and culture of the school.


So if you are looking for normalcy, one of the most powerful things we can do is create consistency.

These consistencies are most powerful when they are school wide.

So let me ask, what are 3 super small things that your entire building can do to make kids feel a sense of normalcy in every classroom or area or your building?


Think small for a big impact.

Here are a few examples:

In 2023…

Every teacher will enforce “no soda in the classroom.”

Every teacher will respond to emails within 48 hours.

Every teacher will not assign homework on Friday.


Depending on the size of your school and the age of your students, these consistencies way be hard to determine but once they are in place you will reap the benefits.

Your school will become a place of “this is how WE do it.”

Not a place of “this is how she does it, this is how he does it, this is how they do it.”


Normalcy and consistency work together.

Now let’s work together to create those.


With so much love,








PS- Don’t miss all the amazing ideas and lessons I’m emailing out this year. Sign up here 

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