A Super Simple Gift for Students & Schools
Teachers, if you are looking for a very small and really inexpensive gift for your student this time of the year, stop! I want to show you what I found …
Speaker. Author. Teacher. Motivator.
Teachers, if you are looking for a very small and really inexpensive gift for your student this time of the year, stop! I want to show you what I found …
Having a hard time connecting with some students this year? Do you have kids in your class who have a massive wall up? Are you looking for more ways to …
We have that saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” But I use a remix of that! I like to say, “When life gives you lemons, get creative.” And …
There is nothing worse than attending an in-service day and walking out, 2-3 hours later, feeling like it was a huge waste of time. As teachers, we deserve professional development …
Do you have at least 6 tabs open on your school computer at all times? If I’m being honest, I have nothing less than 14 open at all times! We …
Searching for ways to get kids talking and participating? Wanting to have strong relationships with your students? Exploring ways to laugh while you learn about your classroom family? If you …
5 years ago I gave a TED TALK about education. During that TED Talk I made this statement… “students and teachers should want to sprint into schools with fearless, not sprint …
Life Can Be Hard… If you are still struggling from 2020, you are not alone. If you are struggling on a professional level, you are not alone. If you are …
Parent-Teacher conferences can be a little stressful for both the parents and the teacher. Often times they take a lot of time and effort. Often times the parents don’t even …
Do you have a favorite fast food place? Maybe I should be embarrassed to admit this, but mine is Taco Bell! I love a cheesey gordita crunch! But what does …
Searching for ways to get kids talking and participating? Wanting to be strong relationships with your students? Exploring ways to laugh while you learn about your classroom family? Looking for …
Are you looking for fun, engaging, easy ways to build relationships with students this year? If you said YES, I’ve got you covered! This free activity is PERFECT for SEL …
You deserve to have the best school year of your life. Seriously. The past few years have been REALLY HARD. But this year doesn’t have to be! And I’m confident …
Doing engaging games with kids is a great way to build a classroom community. You probably have dome something like Would You Rather before. But, the version I’ve created takes …
We know that building relationships with students is essential. But sometimes it is hard to know what to do, when to do it, and how to engage kids in that …
Raise you hand if you want this school year to be your best school year yet! I raised my hand, did you? We want it to be fun. We want …
Mondays can be chaotic in classrooms. Sometimes our students need a little motivation, especially to start the week. Teachers could use a little pep in our step too. So I’ve …
Are you a teacher who has been in the classroom for years and feel like you are stuck in a rut? Are you a new teacher who is looking to …
Life Advice: Sometimes we need to pause before we put words out there. Then we begin to speak only when we are truly confident that what we are about to …
I remember the first time I read a book about teaching. It was the summer before my 1st year of teaching. And to be honest, it was terrible! After that, …
Time is a Gift And here is a picture to prove it… These 2 pictures are SO similar and SO very different. The photo on the left is from …
What do the final days look like for you this school year? Are you looking at testing data? Do you final a final day of PD? Is there a staff …
100% of US Teachers Are Looking Forward to Summer Break 95% of Teachers are SO Tired Right Now 50% of Teachers are Considering Leaving the Profession Right Now So here …
Do you have a favorite cereal? Mine is for sure Cinnamon Toast Crunch! My mom would buy it for us as kids, but only if she had a coupon. I …
I love my mom so much. I call her Super Momma Jayne. And sometimes she is able to be a super guest speaker in my classroom She comes into all my …