Adults: Our Job is NOT To Keep Kids Happy
Here is a hard truth bomb… Our job is not to keep kids happy. Our job is to keep kids human. Stay with me and hear me out for …
Speaker. Author. Teacher. Motivator.
Here is a hard truth bomb… Our job is not to keep kids happy. Our job is to keep kids human. Stay with me and hear me out for …
Something really cool happens when kids step outside their comfort zones. In fact, they often surprise themselves in these moments. Here is an example of a conversation that happened in …
If you are a teacher and Sunday creates: Stress Anxiety Fear Frustration There is nothing wrong with you. There is something wrong with the current policies and procedures happening within …
You can LOVE teaching and HATE that summer is ending. You can LOVE teaching and HATE all the stress we are feeling for a new school year. You can LOVE …
There is a substantial difference between WORKING and LEARNING. Working out 5 problems can prove that students are proficient. They don’t always need 25 practice problems and 70 fill in …
Here is a big, bold, beautiful reality about why kids come to school: Kids don’t enjoy going to school because they love information. Kids enjoy going to school because they …