The Teacher Salary Truth Bomb
Teachers are good at spending money… on students. Teachers get paid like $40,000/year and spend 10k of it on their students. (Is that a dramatic over statement intended for effect? …
Speaker. Author. Teacher. Motivator.
Teachers are good at spending money… on students. Teachers get paid like $40,000/year and spend 10k of it on their students. (Is that a dramatic over statement intended for effect? …
Not too long ago I had a guest speaker in my classroom. The presenter asked my students a good question, “what do you normally do in this class?” An 8th …
Parents & Principals don’t always know kids like we do. Our relationship with students is different. So we have to be confident when they criticize our choices. It doesn’t mean …
I have one level for Spirit Week: Full Throttle! Schools have spirit weeks for: homecoming, prom, book celebrations, community events, and so much more. We had a spirit week at …
Introducing the Newest Book in My Collection: 180 Days of Awesome Relationships Every day that we walk into our school, we have an opportunity to connect with kids. How do …
It has been an insanely hard year for both teachers and education leaders. But here is a truth that amazing school leaders totally understand: Your BEHAVIOR -not your advice or …
Doing engaging games with kids is a great way to build a classroom community. You probably have dome something like Would You Rather before. But, the version I’ve created takes …
Want to end this school year on a good note? Want a few ideas to connect with kids? Want a simple way to engage & motivate students? Want a reminder of …
A Letter to All Teachers Right Now… Dear Teacher Friends, Are you struggling right now? If you said yes, you are not alone! Here is what we have to do. …
Got a flat tire on my way home from school not too long ago. I pulled into a gas station. 2 amazing gentleman came and helped. The gas station clerk …
3 Goals to Hit Daily in Schools for 2022 Love learning Love people Love growing If we can say “yes” to all 3 of those each day, we are creating …
Just in case your principal hasn’t told you this in a minute… You have done AMAZING things this year. You have made a HUGE impact on kids. You are an …
An important reminder to education: Grades should represent students have mastered a CONTENT area… NOT how good they are at following directions, being kind, putting a name on paper, bringing …
Awesome is all around us. Every single day we get the opportunity to be intentional about focusing on failures or celebrating successes. But in the past few years finding the …
So here is a big teacher truth: If we hate grading it, our students probably hated doing it. Now, I understand that “hate” is a strong word, but hear me …
Building rooted relationships with students in our schools can be really hard. That is especially true right now! The good news is, you don’t have to do that alone. For …
We have all heard of the book 50 Shades of Gray. It was pretty controversial and likely WAY over-rated. But you know what is fascinating? There are 59 shade of …
Here is a hard truth bomb… Our job is not to keep kids happy. Our job is to keep kids human. Stay with me and hear me out for …
Something really cool happens when kids step outside their comfort zones. In fact, they often surprise themselves in these moments. Here is an example of a conversation that happened in …
If you are a teacher and Sunday creates: Stress Anxiety Fear Frustration There is nothing wrong with you. There is something wrong with the current policies and procedures happening within …
Our job as teachers this year still feels so different than it has in the past, But the work we are about to do is also SO significant. And I …
You can LOVE teaching and HATE that summer is ending. You can LOVE teaching and HATE all the stress we are feeling for a new school year. You can LOVE …
Make Your SEL & Morning Meeting Planning SO much Easier! To be honest, sometime SEL feels like “one more thing” even though we know in our teacher hearts that it …
There is a substantial difference between WORKING and LEARNING. Working out 5 problems can prove that students are proficient. They don’t always need 25 practice problems and 70 fill in …
Let me get straight to the point… Our classrooms should have far more clapping than critiquing. How motivated are you when somebody tells you that you are doing something wrong? …